When I was a kid (a long time ago), one of my favorite pastimes was using a pencil to color-in almost anything I could write on. Newspapers, flyers, brochures; anything with hollow shapes waiting to be filled-in; these were my canvases. From such fond memories, Coloring Book has sprung. I wish I could say it suddenly appeared fully formed and debugged, a miracle of silicon on my hard disk. No such luck. Instead I had to fight off my two little children who are great beta testers, but a little short on patience. (Aren't we all?) They had some trouble understanding why they had to wait for daddy to finish the program before they could play with it. Then there was my wife who eyes my programming efforts with a bit of suspicion. She thinks a family outing in hand is worth several shareware projects in development.
In the interest of keeping my wife happy, (so that I might be allowed to program again), please send in your shareware fee!
Coloring Book may be copied and distributed by electronic bulletin board as long as it is not altered in any way.
System Requirements:
Coloring Book requires system 6.07 or later and a Mac with a 13" or larger color monitor and 2 Megs of free memory.
New Features:
A Nite Lite section simulates the popular childrens toy in which colored plastic pegs are placed into a black pegboard to make pictures. A small light bulb illuminates the peg-picture from behind.
More sounds and animations have been added to the pictures.
A chef now suggests cake and frosting combinations for the birthday cake.